The ubiquity of the quinone moiety in natural products and organic materials justifies the continued interest in the synthesis of molecules containing this framework.1 The widespread occurrence of the cyclobutene nucleus in natural products and bioactive compounds, coupled to the use of this strained carbocycle as a building block in organic synthesis, triggered a renewed activity in the synthesis of cyclobutenes.2 However, the preparation of the quinone core from cyclobutenes has remained unexplored. Jiang and co-workers have recently communicated the cyclization reactions of allenynones toward naphthols using DABSO [DABCO·(SO2)2] and arenediazonium salts (Scheme 1a),3 or either in presence of alkynes (Scheme 1b),4 or β-ketonitriles (Scheme 1c),5 involving the generation of tricyclic cyclobutene intermediates. Aiming to extend the utility of allenynones, we planned to use allenyne precursors bearing substituents at the internal allene double bond. Worthy of note, the presence of the extra-substituent (R3 = Me, Ar) did allow for the isolation of previously unstable and non-isolable tricyclic cyclobutenes (R3 = H). Herein, we present a convenient method for the divergent synthesis of 1,4-naphthoquinones and tetraphene-7,12-diones through the oxidative reorganization of cyclobutene-fused naphthalen-1-ones.
Researchers of IQOG-CSIC, the Institute of Oncology of Principado de Asturias (IUOPA), and the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) have developed the first fluorescent small molecules that are actively channeled into the mitochondrial matrix by a mitochondrial membrane transporter (the carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase) in living cells. The new molecules have a minimalist structural design consisting of a chromophoric subunit covalently bonded to L-carnitine, a gamma-amino acid involved in metabolism of mammals, plants, and some bacteria, which acts as the biotargeting subunit that is recognized by the membrane transporter. The internalization of the fluorescent probes is both, stereospecific and independent of the mitochondrial membrane potential, in sharp contrast to known mitochondria-specific probes. The new molecules are promising research tools to investigate the role of the carnitine system in cancer metabolic rewiring and related alterations in metabolic diseases for the development of new therapies.
Nuestra compañera, Belén Gómara, ha editado junto a María Luisa Marina (catedrática de la UAH) el libro titulado "Advances in the Determination of Xenobiotics in Foods", primer volumen de la serie "Current and Future Developments in Food Science", de la editorial Bentham Science. El libro recoge algunos de los avances y desarrollos más recientes logrados en la determinación de xenobióticos en los alimentos. Podéis encontrarlo en la web de Bentham eBooks
Proteins are playing a major role in several fields, such as human and animal life, food and nutrition, and sensorics among many others. As an example, under the coordination of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO), more than 17,400 proteins have been already confidently identified. However, many more remain to be discovered and characterized.
On this ground, new methodologies for extraction, separation, detection, and characterization of proteins, as well as micro- and nano-methods for linking them with their role in vital processes have to be developed to achieve such an objective.
The aim of this Workshop is gathering together a short number of researchers from CNRS and CSIC working in the field of protein separation and characterization with the objective of discussing their late contribution to the advances in this field of protein chemistry and to try to find common ground in this subject, so that new collaboration in international projects could be favored.
El control de calidad de los medicamentos biológicos, de los biosimilares y de los “biobetters” requiere el desarrollo de procedimientos analíticos, tales como la HPLC, la electroforesis capilar y la espectrometría de masas, que implican unos conocimientos de las técnicas analíticas utilizadas y de las peculiaridades de los medicamentos a controlar. Estas técnicas analíticas han experimentado enormes avances en los últimos años.
El objetivo de estas Jornadas de Bioanálisis Instrumental de Medicamentos Biológicos es presentar los avances recientes en técnicas de separación tanto analíticas como micro y nanoanalíticas para la caracterización de medicamentos biológicos, biosimilares y “biobetter”.
El Colegio San Ildefonso de la Universidad de Alcalá (Plaza San Diego, s/n. 28801 Alcalá de Henares) acogerá este evento durante los días 28 y 29 de noviembre de 2018.